oySongs - Love Jewish Music


Ramon Tasat - News & Reviews
Cantor Linda Shivers-Neve Shalom Artist in Residen
Dear Chevre,
Here in Portland we just had a fantastic weekend with Cantor Ramón Tasat. It was a celebration of Sefardi music and culture and he was a total mensch to work with. He came in on Thursday night where he led an amazing rehearsal with our choir. He spent as much time on the spiritual aspects of each prayer as he did on the music itself. Our choir loved it.
On Friday night, he led the service together with me and the choir and our Bar Mitzva student who is part of a large Sefardi family. There were about 500 people! Afterwards, over 200 people stayed for a wonderful Sefardi dinner that included Ramon leading zmirot. On Saturday, he leyned two aliyot in two different types of Sefardi tropes - Morrocan and Greek. Then he led an amazing Musaf. It was beautiful and spiritual using excellent vocal technique - no strain and entering straight into the heart. I felt privileged to be there. Saturday night was an inspiring concert of almost all Ladino music from many countries. He accompanied himself with his first rate playing of the classical Spanish guitar. If he had only played guitar, dayenu! There was very little that I had ever heard before and his explanations were clear and interesting. Again the choir participated with several of the selections.
He was an inspiration to the choir as well as me and everyone was very glad they had participated in this special weekend.
Cantor Linda Shivers
Congregation Neveh Shalom
Portland, OR 97239

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