oySongs - Love Jewish Music

Problems Printing?

Scorch lets you do free test prints before you pay for your score, to check that you've set up your printer correctly.

Problems and solutions

The web page printed correctly but the score in the web page was blank: you should have clicked the Print button immediately above the score. Don't click Print at the top of your browser window, or Print in the File menu, or type Ctrl+P or Command-P - these will print the web page, not the score.

No paper came out of the printer: check your printer is switched on, contains paper and is plugged into your computer. If it is, it is probably not set up correctly. Please consult your computer's or printer's manual, or skip to 'If there is still a problem' below.

You ran out of paper. With most printers, don't turn off the printer - just feed in some more paper and it should continue printing.

Staff lines and note stems missing, uneven or have rounded ends: find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box change the Substitute Lines option. (On Mac this is in the Sibelius area of the dialog box.) Then print.

Piano braces missing or wrong size: find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box change the Substitute Braces option. (On Mac this is in the Sibelius area of the dialog box.) Then print.

Arpeggios (vertical wavy lines) or glissandos (diagonal wavy lines or text) mispositioned: find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box change the Substitute Arpeggios option. (On Mac this is in the Sibelius area of the dialog box.) Then print.

The music doesn't fit on the paper: scores may be set up for different sizes of paper. Find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box change the Scale option. (On Mac this is in the Sibelius area of the dialog box.) Then print.

The printer was too slow or ran out of memory: find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box switch on the Substitute Lines option. (On Mac this is in the Sibelius area of the dialog box.) Then print.

You wanted to print several copies: when buying a score you can't print more copies than you have paid for. To set the number of copies, find the score again, click Scorch's Print button, then on the Print dialog box change the Copies value. (On Mac this is in the General area of the dialog box.) Then print.

Notes print as text characters or other font problems: try changing your printer's font settings. For instance, in Windows try printing again but click Properties... in the Print dialog box, then try changing options which affect font printing, such as 'Print fonts as graphics'.

If there is still a problem

If you have tried the above without success, check if you have the latest driver for your printer.

You should be able to download the latest driver from the printer manufacturer's web site:

Canon printers: http://www.canon.co.jp/download-e.html
Epson printers: http://support.epson.com/filelibrary.html
HP printers: http://www.hp.com/cposupport/eschome.html
Others: use your web browser to search for the manufacturer.

After downloading the driver, save it somewhere easy to find, such as on your desktop. Then set up your printer again from scratch (see below).

Setting up your printer from scratch

On Windows, click the Start button at the bottom left of the screen, then Settings, then Printers. Then double-click Add Printer and follow the instructions.

When asked for the manufacturer and model of your printer, if you have just obtained a new driver (e.g. by downloading it), click Have Disk... and find the new driver file.

When you've finished, find the score again, click Scorch's Print button and print it to see if it works. You may need to consult this page again to adjust the way it prints.

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