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Rabbi Miriam Maron
Rabbi Miriam Maron, B.S.N., R.N., M.A., holds a BSN from the University of Pennsylvania, and is a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree from the University of Southern California. She is also ordained as Ravi (spiritual mentor and healer) as well as Rabbi, and is Director of Operations for the Walking Stick Foundation.

A spiritual healer and mentor in private practice, Miriam also teaches intensives on Jewish Kabbalistic and Shamanic healing modalities and has facilitated workshops, services and retreats across the U.S., Canada, Europe, and Israel on healing and mind, body, and soul integration. She also leads annual tours across Israel (sometimes including Egypt), teaching and performing ceremonies at each sacred site. A prolific singer and songwriter, her concerts, as well as her albums "Wings of Light", "Light out of Darkness", "Chants of the Sacred Four", "Mystic Convergence", "Surrender," "AngelSong" and "Call from the Narrows," feature Jewish healing and mystical songs and chants rooted in authentic source texts and oral traditions. Her work has received wide acclaim from inter-denominational sources across globe.

A mother of two, Miriam also performs life-cycle ceremonies and sacred dance, and has taught at numerous educational institutions and retreat centers, including Esalen Institute, Philosophical Research Society, Naropa University, Chochmat Halev Center for Jewish Meditation, Rowe Conference Center, Metivta, SEED Graduate Institute, Marywood University, Integral Yoga Institute, and Elat Chayyim Center for Jewish Spirituality.

Her rendition of a traditional Hassidic melody that appears on her CD Wings of Light was selected as a major segment of a motion picture soundtrack for the foreign film "Black Prince," a drama based on the illustrious biography of the notorious 19th-century Russian poet, Pushkin. The film won First Prize at the New York Independent Film Festival in 2005.

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