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Cantor Ronald Eichaker had an early interest in pursuing the cantorate, functioning as a student Hazzan while a teenager. He entered Northern Illinois University in 1974 majoring in music education and vocal performance on a full athletic scholarship in Track and Field. Subsequently, he enrolled at the Jewish Theological Seminary of America and received the Diploma of Hazzan in 1982. At Congregation Emanu-El B’ne Jeshuran in Milwaukee, Wisconsin he took a strong interest in the B’nai Mitzvah process, Family Educational Events and Programs, Adult Education, and directed the Torah Readers Academy and Adult Torah Institute. He also opened the doors of the congregation to the secular community through multi-cultural and interdenominational concerts and programs.

Cantor Eichaker has a warm and beautiful voice, and has dynamic skills as a Hazzan, as a teacher, and as a communicator with children. He is a highly skilled guitarist and percussionist, and interestingly, has competed on an international level in the javelin throw! He and his wife, Heidi, are the parents of two wonderful daughters, Lauren and Lindsay. He now serves as Cantor of United Hebrew Congregation in St. Louis and has done so since August, 1999.

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