oySongs - Love Jewish Music


Carol Boyd Leon - News & Reviews
July 29, 2005 - Musical Healing
Musical Healing:
Olam Tikvah creates and donates new inspirational DVD to local hospital

by Aaron Leibel, Arts Editor

A serene soul has the power to heal a sick body. That is the idea behind a new DVD of Jewish inspirational music, A Healing Service in Song: Inspirational and Healing Music Based on Jewish Liturgy made by the 20-member Olam Tikvah Chorale of Fairfax for INOVA Fairfax Hospital.

"I attempted to select songs which would bring both hope and healing to the viewers," says the group's music director, Carol Boyd Leon, who produced the DVD and chose the music.
"I attempted to include songs that may be familiar to many, such as Debbie Friedman's Mi Shebeirach and Shlomo Carlebach's Esa Einai, plus songs that are likely to be new to the viewers, but equally inspiring, such as Charles Osborn's Hal'lu/Hodu."

In addition to the songs, the DVD contains images of pastoral scenes, flowers, the ocean, children, animals mountains, Congregation Olam Tikvah and images of Israel.

The 13-song film came in response to a request from the hospital to Olam Tikvah's Rabbi David Kalender about two years ago for a new Jewish program for its in-house TV chaplaincy network.
Phil Brooks, manager of the chaplaincy services at the hospital, had asked Kalendar to make the new DVD. The previous Jewish programming, which had featured former Olam Tikvah Rabbi Yitzhak Klirs, was 12 years old, and it was time for a replacement.

Brooks says the hospital has Catholic and Protestant, as well as Jewish, programming, but he has received feedback ‹ and it was positive ‹ only about the Jewish contribution to the hospital network.

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