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Diego Edelberg
I began my studies as Cantor in the "Rabbinical Latin American Seminar Marshall T Meyer" in the year 2000. After studying for two years I was summoned to officiate as Chazzan in the "Big Temple do Brasil" in Rio de Janeiro. For the above mentioned services, I prepared Nusach for Iamim Noraim and officiated alone.

When I got back to Buenos Aires, I was summoned by Rabbi Sergio Bergman to join the "Fundación Judaiaca-Red Judaica" as Cantor in the first and most recognized temple in Argentina: "Congregación Isarelita de la República Argentina (CIRA)", also known as "Temple of Libertad Street". I have been there since 2003.

In "Fundación Judaica-Red Judaica" I could articulate the model of SH'LI'ACH TSIBUR that Rabbi Bergman was trying to recover. This model implies a paradigm shift as regards to the function that Cantors assume in most of the Communities, looking not only for the esthetic - musical care of the service but also for the educational link with the community.

By educational link we understand the possibility of forming others in what one does, feels and thinks. Therefore since 2003 I have not only developed in the art of music my offering towards G'd and the community but I 'm also capable to prepare children and adults for their Bar/Bat-Mitzva.

I also take part of Weddings, Simjat bat, Chaguim. and Sabbesh Tisch at the Temple.

I'm very interested on liturgy, and I have written several papers as introduction for people to prayer, most of them based of Lawrence Hoffman's books and articles.
In that way I'm part of this great movement that contributes to the educational and spiritual growth of the Community in Argentina
If you liked to know my musical background please visit my website at http://www.diegoedelberg.com.ar

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