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 Mi Shebeirach (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 Modim Anachnu Lach (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Or Chadash (Duet) (R.Potak) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Oseh Shalom (2 part) (R.Emerman) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Oseh Shalom (2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Oseh Shalom (Duet) PVG (R.Emerman) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Prelude to Kaddish (Duet) (R.Potak) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Shabbat Candle Blessing Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 Shalom Aleichem (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 Shalom Rav (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 Shehecheyanu (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Shir Hama'alot (Duet) (R.Potak) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Shir LaShalom (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Shiru L'Adonai (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Sim Shalom (Duet) (R.Potak) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 Sim Shalom (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 V'nomar L'fanav (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 V'shamru (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $2.25
Minimum order of 2 
 V'shamru 2 (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir) Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 
 Yih'yu L'ratzon Shir Harmony View / Buy for $3.95 

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Shalom Aleichem (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir)
by Shir Harmony (More Sheet Music by Shir Harmony)
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Shalom Aleichem (Solo/Unison or 2-Part Choir)

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    Shabbat Evening/Morning
    CJM (Contemporary Jewish Music)

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